Mixed home currency and local currency
Convert the portfolio overview screen to a home currency (i.e. USD), and have individual portfolios show in their local currencies (i.e. GBP, EUR, CAD)
Set a home currency by opening the app settings, general, home currency.
Edit a portfolio that you want displayed in its local currency, and enable the two checkboxes for displaying in local currency. To edit a portfolio, go into the portfolio, open the top menu, and click Edit Portfolio. Alternatively, press-hold on the portfolio on the Portfolio Overviews screen, and click edit in the menu.
Click the done button in the top menu to save the changes.
Convert the portfolio overview screen to a home currency (i.e. USD), have individual holdings in a portfolio show in their local currencies (i.e. GBP, EUR), and have the portfolio totals show in the home currency (i.e. USD).
Set a home currency by opening the app settings, general, home currency.
Edit a portfolio that you want displayed in its local currency, and enable the first checkbox for showing individual holdings in the local currency. To edit a portfolio, go into the portfolio, open the top menu, and click Edit Portfolio. Alternatively, press-hold on the portfolio on the Portfolio Overviews screen, and click edit in the menu.
Click the done button in the top menu to save the changes.
Last updated